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ZTE Made a $21.5 Million Global Settlement with Vringo




Vringo announced on Dec. 11, 2015 that its Vringo Infrastructure subsidiary had reached a litigation settlement and licence agreement with Chinese Shenzhen-based telecom company ZTE, bringing the patent infringement disputes between the two companies in multiple jurisdictions to an end.

Under the terms of the settlement, ZTE has agreed to pay Vringo a lump sum of $21.5 million for a perpetual non-exclusive licence to the patents in dispute and an end to lawsuits between the two. As reported, those patents in dispute were acquired from Nokia in 2012. All pending lawsuits between the two companies will be dismissed 10 days after Vringo has received the agreed payment.

ZTE has patent infringement and/or validity disputes with Vringo in multiple jurisdictions including Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Malaysia, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom and the United States of America. It is noted that although Vringo is based in the U.S., it launched lawsuits against ZTE mainly in other jurisdictions such as in the Europe.

The payout of ZTE might be quite lower than the prediction of some professionals in the art. Some had expected Vringo to get over $100 million for the patent infringement disputes.